So here are my five:-
1: Lesley :- http://pinklesdreams.blogspot.com/
2: Rach :- http://papercraftsbyrach.blogspot.com/
3: Karen :- http://karensplaytime.blogspot.com/
4: Claire :- http://clairesbsd.blogspot.com/
5: Heidi :- http://thecraftygoatgirl.blogspot.com/

I have also been tagged by Hazel http://didosdesigns.blogspot.com/, Thanks muchly Hazel.x
So with this I have to share 7 interesting facts(I shall try) and pass it onto 7 more people so here goes:-
1: I want to be an art gallery curator, that is my DREAM JOB it shall never happen though :O(
2: I absolutely love Belinda Carlises' Music, it was one of the first albums I got on a record lol, and then when we moved to cd, replaced it with that
3: I think tooooooooo much, I worry about everything, I worry about what I say, I worry if I blog too much, I worry about the weather,I worry worry worry lol
4: I have a great long term memory, short term is awful
5: I am a scatty moo, and always say stupid things, for instance "if i wake up dead in the morning", my hubby says if your dead you wont be waking up lol
6: I am far too sentimental for my own good! I have boxes of stuff from the kiddies when they were little, I went as far as to keeping there first easter egg boxes, till hubby threw them out! lol
7: I am the last one born with Ginger hair in our family, My kids have missed it, there kiddies if they have them may have it though
hmmmm more random than interesting lol, heres my 7!
1: Sue http://scoopysstuff.blogspot.com/
2: Mandi :- http://enchantedoccasions.blogspot.com/
3: Lyn :- http://mickeysmate.blogspot.com/
4: Erin :- http://egadesigns.blogspot.com/
5: Joanne :- http://craftingjoanne.blogspot.com/
6: Val :- http://thecraftingpad.blogspot.com/
7: Donna :- http://granniville.blogspot.com/
phew there we go hehe. off to try and catch up with christmas AGAIN! have a good monday all.x
Hi, your 7 facts are cool, wake up dead one very funny! I am a worry wart too.! hope you didn't mind me sending you it seems quite a nice way to find out quirky things about each other ! Hazel xo
Thank you for the tag Joey, the waking up dead in the morning made me giggle too. Joanne xx
Hi Joey,
Thanks for nominating me again. It was very sweet of you to think of me, and thanks for becoming a follower of my blog, im chuffed! Will have to play and add these lovely awards to my blog, hugs and thanks Heidi xxx
Hi Joey,
boy i have missed so much of your fabby blog, sorry that i haven't been visiting what with one thing an another...**sigh**
but thank you so much sweetie for the wonderful award, you have brightened my day.
loved looking at all your latest creations, they are wonderful.
hugs rachxx
Hi Joey, thank you for tagging for me :) I also love Belinda Carlisle and my favourite ever track is Runaway Horses :) Donna x
Hi Joey, thanks for the award, sorry taken me so long to collect it!
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