I am sat making gifts, and it suddenly dawned on me, that my baby is going to be leaving nursery at Christmas and joining reception in January! sob sob sob Tissue, hes too little to be a big boy! Awww I am not impressed with how quickly the time flies!!!, And I have so many worries about him too, we have his referral tomoz to see if there is any underlying issues and to see about the possibility of him being somewhere on the Autisic Spectrum.He has improved bucket loads since I first called for the appointment, but best to know now either way, as I'd never forgive myself in 10 years if I didnt find out.Thats why I worry about reception, as he will fall behind with reading and writing as nobody can understand his speech, arrrrrgh why did I start making gifts to start thinking, I will cheer up and put it to the back of my mind.
On a better note the school concerts and nativity is coming up Yippee cue the tissues again!, am I the only Mum who sheds a tear or two? I bet not! lol, it will be my sons first nativity and my daughters first concert in the church of a nighttime oooh!.
No cards as yet, not sure if I will get any done today as I am on a roll with these gifts, need to go and find a gift bag tutorial somewhere, as I thought I'm making them all but what am I going to put them in?, and I need to buy a tin of choccies to put in the pillow boxes, wonder how many will make it in to them, one for me, one for box, one for me, one for box, oops none left, maybe I should buy two tins.
Heres a peek at what I am up to:-

Enjoy your day whatever you are doing.x
Hi joey, wow you have been busy! Love the last challenge card you made, soz didn't leave a mess on there, here will do. Don't you just love the run up to Xmas? my youngest is 8 so no Nativity this year, may have to gatecrash the younger end of the school just to see it. Loving your makes, Heidi xxx
Aww Joey I know how you feel about the jump from nursery to reception. My little boy has speech difficulties and he coped well with the transition. He is a little behind but he manages he also has low muscle tone and hyper mobility but he is doing okay. But it is still good to get them checked out. LOL pascalex
Hi Joey
Looks like you are busy creating some lovely gifts. I look forward to seeing it finished. I hope things go well when your son does have his appointment, try not to worry.
Hugs Lynsey :)
Hi Joey
Looks like you are busy creating some lovely gifts. I look forward to seeing it finished. I hope things go well when your son does have his appointment, try not to worry.
Hugs Lynsey :)
Hi joey!you're not alone when it comes to weeping at school plays.i'm terrible lol.i know exactly how you feel about your son my son moved up to reception in september and god do i miss him being away all day!but he settled in really well.hope it's good news with your son try not to worry...yeah right!what mother does'nt lol.look forward to seeing these gifts you've been busy making.hugs amanda x x
Bless Ya Joey, I know just how you feel with the worry, We thought Jake was on the autistic spectrum its such a worry, he is ADHD with ODD and has fine motor issues, holding a pencil is very hard for him. He is on meds but we still have very bad days. Yuck . Its a huge worry when you see then going up to the big school. Jake goes to secondary after the summer and I know we will really struggle. Hope all goes well, keep at them about the Doctor being ill, surely you should get the next available appt since it was them that cancelled. My only advice is keep nagging and hounding them as it seems to be the only way they will listen!!! Love Hazel xo
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